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Arberland Bayerischer Wald
Waldbahn mit Blick auf dem Arber
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On the way on site

Many possibilties to be mobil in the ARBERLAND

Climate friendly travelling – holidays without car.
No matter if you arrive without car or you plan a day trip, because you want to allow your car to stand, here you can reach most of the facilities without car.

With bus or train on the way in the ARBERLAND, at many places even for free.

Discovering the ARBERLAND easy and cheap with the Bayerwald-Ticket . The ticket connects the railway network of the Waldbahn with the Oberpfalzbahn with an extended bus system – starting from only 13,00 Euro per person and day the ticket extrapolates the biggest part of the region on around 1100 timetable kilometres.

All important bus connections to and in the National Park, but also round the Arber are included. On the day of validity, a random change of means of transport is possible in the tie-in area, without having to buy a new ticket.

Especially for longer target hiking tours public transport seems the thing to use – with a big advantage: return to the starting point is not necessary.

The Bayerwald-Tagesticket timetable contains all important timetables and railway networks in the districts Freyung-Grafenau and Regen with connection to Cham and Passau.

Bayerwald-Tagesticket + CZ + GUTiGUTi-Koordinierungsstelle

GUTi - Gästeservice-Umwelt-Ticket

Our GUTi for your holiday – the Gästeservice-Umwelt-Ticket! The municipalities – Arnbruck, Bayerisch Eisenstein, Bischofsmias, Bodenmais, Drachselsried, Frauenau, Geiersthal, Kirchdorf im Wald, Kollnburg, Langdorf, Lindberg, Regen, Viechtach and Zwiesel offer for holiday guests in the Bayerwald-Tagesticket-Area a special service: The Gästeservice-Umwelt-Ticket.

With our GUTi guests of the participating municipalities use bus and train for free. Your guest card is valid as ticket for any number of trips, at every day of your stay in the whole Bayerwald-Tagesticket-Area (except Bayerwald-Tagesticket-PLUS).

Guti is in Bavarian a candy and is also used as a small reward. With our GUTi (Gästeservice-Umwelt-Ticket) all guests are rewarded that are on the way economically friendly in the National Park and Nature Park region without car. They go for free in the whole Bayerwald-Tagesticket-Area, on all bus and train connections named in the timetable!

You get your GUTi-Gästekarte directly at the arrival. Ask your host or in your tourist information.

Further information

Mobilität in Czech Republic

With bus and train to the neighbour country Czech Republic
Also in the bordering Bohemian-Forest in summer busses run through the area of the National Park Sumava. With this also round trips or bike and hiking trips also border crossing are possible without car. In the summer months the National Park Sumava offers five lines of the “Green Busses” connections to many hiking destinations. The RDS-Bus brings you with the Sumava-Bus more times daily to different destinations in Czech Republic. From the border station Bayerisch Eisenstein / Zelezna Ruda-Alzbetin more times daily trains of the Czech Railways (CD) run to Klattau and Pilsen. In the section border station Bayerisch Eisenstein to Spicak Bayerwald-Tagesticket + CZ and GUTi are also valid.

All information on bus and train over the border: .

Mobility on demand with the Rufbus in the ARBERLAND

The Rufbus offer of the district of Regen is a modern, flexible and fast means of transport. Demand-based the Rufbusses run only the courses of the timetable, that are actually needed. Therefore, you are more mobile, even at the weekend. The Rufbus is an additional service to the normal public transport. Type in your wish destination online .

Alternatively, you can call the employees of the Rufbus daily from Monday till Sunday between 6,30 a.m. and 9 p.m. under the telephone number +49 9921/94 999 64 – the employees of the ARBERLAND Rufbus are looking forward to your call.

Timetables can you find here Rufbusse Verbundtarif Donau Wald

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